Pierre Louis's Profile Image

Louis Law Group PLLC

7951 Riviera Boulevard, Suite 101 Mirarmar, Florida 33023
Firm: Louis Law Group
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Louis Law Group

Years In Practice

Phone Number (954) 676-4179

Louis Law Group is an insurance claims law firm located in Miramar, Florida that serves clients throughout the state in residential and commercial property insurance coverage disputes. The firm handles claims for a broad range of accidental events including fire damage, plumbing leaks, roof leaks, broken pipes, hail damage, hurricane damage, vandalism, theft, sinkholes, mold, and any other property losses.

The legal team is comprised of Pierre A. Louis and other attorneys with years of combined experience. They help clients when insurance carriers deny, delay, or underpay insurance proceeds for valid property insurance claims, working through every step of the claims process for favorable resolutions. Through negotiation or litigation, they bring strategic thinking and creative solutions, working with every client individually and approaching each case based on their specific needs.

With capabilities in English, Spanish, and Creole, Louis Law Group serves a broad range of clients, working to achieve the best possible outcomes with skilled and knowledgeable representation.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
What is the scope of this lawyer's practice?
How is this lawyer compensated?
This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on an hourly fee.
Contingency Fees
This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on a contingency fee.
Contact Details and Office Locations
7951 Riviera Boulevard, Suite 101
Mirarmar, Florida 33023
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