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Timothy C. Davis

2224 First Avenue North Birmingham, Alabama 35203
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Heninger, Garrison & Davis, LLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (205) 326-3336

Tim has been a courtroom lawyer for his entire legal career. Having begun his career with one of the leading litigation firms in the Southeast, Tim stepped immediately from the classroom to the courtroom.  He was soon representing individuals in tort actions against major corporations and, by 31 years of age, had been lead counsel in Robins vs. National Security Insurance Company and Williams vs. Arrow International, Inc., cases resulting in seven figure verdicts for his clients. He was soon thereafter appointed by the US District Court to the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee representing hemophilia patients who had received HIV-contaminated blood products. The case resulted in a $640,000,000 settlement with several pharmaceutical companies.

Tim’s legal practice has broadened dramatically from his initial focus on individual personal injury cases.  Along the way, his practice has included representing entire communities harmed by toxic waste.  Today, a substantial portion of his practice is in the area of business litigation and in protecting the rights of intellectual property owners.

Tim is a 1981 graduate of Florida State University with a degree in Business Administration. He is a 1984 graduate of Cumberland School of Law.  He currently serves as the firm’s managing partner. Tim has authored numerous articles and has been a frequent speaker at continuing legal education seminars.

He and his wife, Julia, enjoy family time with their two married children and two grandchildren.

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Samford University, J.D.
Graduated 1984
Florida State University, Business Administration
Graduated 1981
Furman University
Contact Details and Office Locations
2224 First Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
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