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Tim Becker

1100 Main Street, Suite 2600 Kansas City, Missouri 64105
Firm: Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe, L.C.
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Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe, L.C.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (816) 276-2600

During his nearly 30-year legal career, Tim Becker has become known and revered as one of this nation’s leading truck crash attorneys. Through his work at Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe, Tim has tried truck crashes in 33 of the 50 states and won millions of dollars in settlements for his clients.

Tim knows, without exception, truck crashes are not accidents. There is a reason the crash happened, and he works tirelessly to find out why. Tim knows the patterns, what to look for, what documents the trucking companies should have and what its drivers should be doing. This is why Tim is so effective, and what makes Dollar, Burns, Becker & Hershewe one of the most sought-after truck crash law firms in the country. For Tim, the settlements are not what matters. It’s being able to provide comfort and hope for the families of truck crash victims, and being their voice for change so this doesn’t happen again.

Two of his most noteworthy cases includes the Breedlove vs. S&H Express, Inc.; Jeffery Rice; Losif Ghimbasan: MODA Transport, Inc., that was settled for $4.09 million, and Holdeman v. Stratman where a jury awarded a verdict of $37.5 million.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
  • Missouri Lawyers Weekly – Power 30 – 2020
  • Super Lawyers – 2006-2010 and 2013-2020
  • The National Trial Lawyer’s – Top 10 Trucking Attorneys in Missouri – 2017-2020
  • The National Trial Lawyer’s – Top 100 Civil Plaintiff Attorneys in Missouri – 2009-2019
  • American Trial Lawyers Association – Top 100 Trial Lawyers in America – 2008-2016
  • Kansas City Business Journal – Best of the Bar – 2009-2016
University of Missouri - Kansas City, Juris Doctor
Graduated 1991
Rockhurst University, Bachelor of Science
Graduated 1989
Contact Details and Office Locations
1100 Main Street, Suite 2600
Kansas City, Missouri 64105
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