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Steven J. Yatvin

200 West Madison Street, Suite 3900 Chicago, Illinois 60606
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Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (312) 984-3100

Clients are not in the business of litigation, which is why in his over 20 years of practice, Steve has developed an approach that is more akin to a business counselor who helps clients favorably resolve disputes and, when necessary, will take a tough case to trial.

Steve’s clients know he will bring creative solutions to help them avoid disputes, counsel them on the risks and potential benefits of litigation when a dispute is unavoidable, and maintain the kind of professional relationship with opposing counsel necessary to get a business deal done when the opportunity strikes. And when a deal cannot get done on acceptable terms, Steve applies his trial experience to give his clients the best shot at prevailing at trial.

Much of Steve’s work has been in the auto industry, where he represents manufacturers in dealer disputes. Through his litigation and trial work for manufacturers, Steve has learned the lessons necessary to be an effective business counselor who advises manufacturers in connection with a range of dealer network initiatives.

Steve also knows litigation is often unpredictable, and it is critical for clients to understand the process, the risks, and the potential outcomes. He accordingly draws on his litigation and trial experience to effectively advise clients throughout the process, helping them balance the risks in deciding when and how to resolve a case.

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University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, J.D.
Graduated 1999
Indiana University Bloomington, B.A.
Graduated 1995
Contact Details and Office Locations
200 West Madison Street, Suite 3900
Chicago, Illinois 60606
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