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Stephen M. Mason

1200 Smith Street, Suite 1400 Houston, Texas 77002-4310
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Chamberlain Hrdlicka

Years In Practice

Phone Number (713) 658-1818

Stephen Mason possesses extensive experience in all aspects of ERISA and employee benefits. In over 30 years of practice, he has worked with many levels of the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor, orchestrating solutions and resolving disputes in the design and administration of pension and welfare benefit plans, to satisfy governmental agency requirements as well as the needs of both employers and employees.His clients include publicly traded companies and large corporations and privately held businesses.

Mr. Mason is particularly experienced in structuring qualified retirement plans and deferred compensation plans for professional services providers including medical groups, law firms and accounting practices. In addition, he is frequently called upon to provide practical and seasoned legal advice to employers and human resources personnel on all aspects of ERISA. Mr. Mason is an authoritative and sought-after speaker at various employee benefit seminars including the Texas Chapter of Certified Public Accountants, and he is a past lecturer at the University of Houston/ACLU.

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Albany Law School, J.D.
Graduated 1979
Contact Details and Office Locations
1200 Smith Street, Suite 1400
Houston, Texas 77002-4310
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