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Sandra Grossman

4922 Fairmont Avenue, Suite 200 Bethesda, Maryland 20814
Firm: Grossman Young & Hammond LLC
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Grossman Young & Hammond LLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (240) 403-0913

Sandra Grossman is a founding partner of Grossman Young & Hammond, a full-service immigration and international human rights law firm in Maryland. She is a skilled practitioner with nearly two decades of experience in a broad range of immigration matters. She has earned her reputation as a pragmatic and creative lawyer, who gets the job done even in the most complex of cases.

Sandra has developed a unique practice representing and supporting clients before INTERPOL. In 2019, Sandra testified before a bi-partisan Congressional committee (the “Helsinki Commission”) as a national expert on how to curb abuse of INTERPOL by autocratic nations. She also has significant expertise in representing clients before the U.S. consulates worldwide, both in immigrant and non-immigrant visa applications, administrative processing, and waivers of inadmissibility.

Sandra is actively involved in litigation, successfully advocating for individuals before the immigration courts, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and in Federal District Courts. She also represents clients in deportation defense, detention and bond issues, the immigration consequences of criminal convictions, requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), asylum, and adjustment of status and naturalization applications, among other matters.

Washingtonian Magazine has repeatedly recognized Sandra as one of “Washington’s Top Lawyers”. She is an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and serves on AILA’s State Department Liaison Committee. In 2022, AILA awarded Sandra the Edith Lowenstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Advancing the Practice of Immigration Law. Sandra is a former adjunct professor in immigration law at the Washington College of Law at American University. Sandra presents and publishes frequently on the topic of immigration law and INTERPOL matters, appearing on CNN, CNN Español, Fox News, the BBC, and C-Span. Sandra regularly handles pro-bono client matters. She is fluent in Spanish. 

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Georgetown University, J.D.
Graduated 2005
Contact Details and Office Locations
4922 Fairmont Avenue, Suite 200
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
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