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Philip T. Mazoki

Seaport West, 155 Seaport Boulevard Boston, Massachusetts 02210

Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, P.C.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (617) 607-5927

Philip practices in patent prosecution, IP strategy, and portfolio management in the areas of electrical engineering and software, including technologies such as simulation, 3D modeling, cybersecurity, machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and electro-mechanical systems.

Phil has significant experience developing patent portfolios for a wide variety of computer-based modeling and simulation technologies. Example portfolios include technologies directed to structure, vehicle, manufacturing, and material simulation, ergonomic evaluation, and chemical and petroleum manufacturing simulation. Phil has also developed patent portfolios for cybersecurity technologies, including methods to evaluate vulnerability, methods to ensure safe operation regardless of attack modality, and methods to protect against specific threats.

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Bar Admissions

Since 2020, he received distinction in Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America for his patent law expertise.

Temple University (Beasley)
Northeastern University, B.S. in Electrical Engineering
Contact Details and Office Locations
Seaport West, 155 Seaport Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts 02210
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