Nikole L. Canute's Profile Image

Nikole L. Canute

900 Monroe Avenue, NW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Firm: Mika Meyers, PLC
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Mika Meyers, PLC

Years In Practice


Phone Number (616) 632-8000

Nikole L. Canute’s areas of practice include: labor and employment law, employment litigation, energy litigation, civil litigation, fraud investigation and litigation and securities litigation. She is very skilled in handling employment investigations, electronic discovery and matters involving computer forensic investigations. Nikole also specializes in energy matters, including condemnation. Her experience includes working with local municipal authorities and law enforcement during pre-condemnation activities; condemning property and/or obtaining pre-condemnation access to properties for survey purposes and handling administrative agency proceedings.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
How is this lawyer compensated?
This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on an hourly fee.
Bar Admissions
Admitted in 2005
New York
Organizations & Affiliations
Boys & Girls Club of Grand Rapids Youth Commonwealth
Board Member
Grand Rapids Bar Association
Human Resources Group of West Michigan
Women Lawyers Association of Michigan
Work Experience
Mika Meyers
2005 - Current
University of Notre Dame, J.D.
Graduated 2005
Alma College, Bachelor of Arts
Graduated 2002
Contact Details and Office Locations
900 Monroe Avenue, NW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
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