Michael Smith's Profile Image

Michael O. Smith

15 Broad St #800 Boston, Massachusetts 02109
Firm: Law Offices of Michael O. Smith, LLC
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Law Offices of Michael O. Smith, LLC

Years In Practice


Phone Number (617) 263-0060
Attorney Smith is the founder of Mass Injury Group. His firm specializes in handling all types of injury claims including motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents, wrongful death claims, negligence claims, premises liability cases, workers compensation injuries and social security disability matters. Attorney Smith and his firm have recovered tens of million dollars on behalf of clients.
What legal services does this lawyer offer?
How is this lawyer compensated?
Contingency Fees
This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on a contingency fee.
Bar Admissions
Admitted in 1999
Suffolk University
Graduated 1999
Boston University
Graduated 1992
Contact Details and Office Locations
Office: (617) 263-0060
15 Broad St #800
Boston, Massachusetts 02109
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