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Michael D. Makofsky

1111 Superior Avenue East, Suite 2700 Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Firm: McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co., LPA
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McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co., LPA

Years In Practice

Phone Number (216) 696-1422

Michael D. Makofsky is a Principal at McCarthy Lebit. He represents diverse businesses in transactional, day-to-day industry matters including those businesses who are selling, acquiring, reorganizing, or merging. Michael assists clients in all aspects of complex mergers and acquisitions (M&A), such as structuring the transaction, performing due diligence, securing financing relationships, negotiating terms and documenting transactions. He also works closely with angel and venture capital funds, corporate strategic investors, family offices and other institutional investors structuring investments and transactions. He works to provide practical counsel designed for the unique needs of emerging growth companies.

Michael also represents a broad range of financial institutions and financial service providers, including banks, commercial finance companies, mezzanine and specialty lenders. Michael counsels borrowers, agents and syndicate members in commercial finance transactions ranging from large transactions to single-lender, single-borrower transactions. He has significant experience in asset-based lending, cash flow lending, multi-state, multi-currency and cross-border secured financing, financing secured by unusual types of collateral, ESOP loans, letter of credit facilities, health care financing, bond financing, and other capital transactions.

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  • Crain’s Cleveland Business 40 Under Forty, 2011
  • The Best Lawyers in America©, 2021-2023
Case Western Reserve University, Juris Doctor
University of Connecticut, Bachelor of Arts
Contact Details and Office Locations
1111 Superior Avenue East, Suite 2700
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
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