Matthew J.P. Coffman's Profile Image

Matthew J.P. Coffman

1550 Old Henderson Road, Suite 126 Columbus, Ohio 43220
Firm: Coffman Legal, LLC
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Coffman Legal, LLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (614) 949-1181

Employment Attorney Matthew J.P. Coffman is thankful for his recognition as one of the Best Lawyers in America. When Matthew opened his employment law firm Coffman Legal, LLC in 2012, he was armed with a passion for helping employees and a desire to zealously pursue and vindicate the rights of his clients.

A decade later, Matthew has established an employment law firm with several experienced employment attorneys who have successfully obtained millions of dollars of unpaid wages, overtime, lost wages, liquidated damages, and other damages in various cases. Employment Lawyer Coffman solely represents employees in litigation against their employers. Coffman Legal regularly prosecutes unpaid wages and unpaid overtime cases on behalf of hundreds or thousands of employees. At the same time Employment Attorney Coffman also handles individual wage or overtime disputes, employment discrimination cases, wrongful termination, employment retaliation, and other employment disputes.

Regardless of whether the dispute involves one harmed employee or thousands of employees who suffered the same harm, Employment Lawyer Coffman exercises diligence and continues to fight to maximize his clients' recovery. The cases that Coffman Legal prosecutes on behalf of employees are not limited to any one state as Employment Attorney Coffman regularly finds himself working tirelessly for employees in many different states.

If you feel that you have been wrongly treated by your employer, the employment lawyers at Coffman Legal appreciate the opportunity to speak with you to discuss how they can help. Our employment attorneys encourage you to contact our employment law firm through our firm's website at:

As the years go by, Employment Lawyer Coffman will continue to work even harder to achieve even newer heights for his clients and his employment law firm with the goal being to positively impact as many employees' lives as he can.


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Ohio State University (Moritz), B.A.
University of Toledo, JD
Contact Details and Office Locations
1550 Old Henderson Road, Suite 126
Columbus, Ohio 43220
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