Mark E. Nettleton's Profile Image

Mark E. Nettleton

900 Monroe Avenue, NW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Firm: Mika Meyers, PLC
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Mika Meyers, PLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (616) 632-8000

Mark E. Nettleton practices in the areas of public finance, municipal law, land use and zoning law, and real estate.  In his law practice experience, Mark has assisted Michigan counties, cities, villages and townships with bond issues and financing transactions, ordinance and utility franchise issues, intergovernmental agreements, special assessment proceedings, drain proceedings, assessments and financings, and annexation matters.

His practice also includes counseling public authorities such as downtown development authorities, local development finance authorities and corridor improvement authorities on the establishment of such authorities, preparation and adoption of development and tax increment financing plans, and the financing of development area improvements and services using tax increment revenues.   

Mark is the 2013 recipient of the “Distinguished Municipal Attorney Award,” and was nominated by clients and selected by fellow legal practitioners from across the state for his professional accomplishment in the representation of cities and villages.  

He has been admitted to practice law in both Michigan and Illinois, and is a graduate of Fordham University (1992) and the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (1995).  Mark is a member of the Illinois Bar Association, the State Bar of Michigan, the Government Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan, the National Association of Bond Lawyers and the Grand Rapids Bar Association.  He serves on the Board of Directors of the Government Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan and is a past chair of that section.  Mark also serves on the Board of Directors for Arbor Circle.  

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University of Detroit Mercy, J.D.
Graduated 1995
Fordham University, Bachelor of Arts
Graduated 1992
Contact Details and Office Locations
900 Monroe Avenue, NW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
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