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Margaret F. Rowlett

100 South Elm Street, Suite 514, P.O.Box 3245 Greensboro, North Carolina 27401
Firm: Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, P.A.
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Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, P.A.

Years In Practice


Phone Number (336) 373-0934
A board-certified specialist in North Carolina workers' compensation law, Margaret Rowlett is an experienced and respected professional who will give your case the individual attention it deserves. After graduating with her law degree from Duke University in 1990, Ms. Rowlett began her law practice in Greensboro representing injured workers. Having found her passion in working directly with her clients to get them the benefits that they are owed, Ms. Rowlett has continued to handle workers' compensation cases ever since. Please call her today to speak directly with an attorney who can answer your questions about employment and workers' compensation law and get personalized attention and a tireless advocate on your side.
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Bar Admissions
North Carolina
Admitted in 1990
  • NC Super Lawyers, 2010 to present
Duke University, J.D.
Graduated 1990
Duke University, MA
Graduated 1990
Contact Details and Office Locations
100 South Elm Street, Suite 514, P.O.Box 3245
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401
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