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Kelly Massicotte

112 Lake Street, Suite 130 Burlington, Vermont 05401
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Biggam Fox Skinner, LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (802) 229-5146

I became an attorney so I could help ordinary people fight for the things they are entitled to. I offer free consultations to Vermonters injured at work or hurt through the negligence of others.

Before becoming an attorney, I worked in the construction industry, where I saw firsthand how hardworking people do not always get a fair shake.

At Biggam Fox Skinner, I focus on helping people get their workers’ compensation benefits. It’s frustrating for me to see deserving people struggling with the workers’ compensation system while also trying to recover from a work injury.

I work closely with my clients and our paralegals to present the strongest case possible. I am very detail-oriented and learn the specifics of each case by really listening to my clients and what they need. Although the legal process can be long, I make sure my clients understand the process and the issues in their case. I’m persistent and I won’t give up.

I’m from New Hampshire and now live in Waterbury Center, Vermont, with my partner and our disobedient dog. I enjoy camping, gardening, and live music.

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Vermont Law School, J. D.
Graduated 2006
Hobart & William Smith Colleges, B.A.
Graduated 1997
Contact Details and Office Locations
112 Lake Street, Suite 130
Burlington, Vermont 05401
535 Stone Cutters Way, Suite 204
Montpelier, Vermont 05602
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