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Jonathan S. Damashek

19 West 44th Street, Suite 1500 New York, New York 10036
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Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, P.C.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (212) 292-4339

To Jonathan S. Damashek, the best part of his job is standing up for people who deserve their day in court. “I like fighting for the little guy against the large corporate defendants and insurance carriers to help them recover what they lost in their lives,” he says. In this regard, Mr. Damashek seeks to recover monetary compensation for his clients that covers their past and future pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost earnings and benefits, and loss of their enjoyment of life.

Following an accident, injury victims begin getting phone calls from insurers and the other party’s legal counsel. If you’ve incurred harm in a car crash or other personal injury accident, your focus should be on your health, not fielding messages from people trying to get you to settle your case for far less than it’s worth. Mr. Damashek understands the frustration surrounding this type of communication, and is prepared to handle it for you. While you concentrate on getting healthy, let him fight for you.

With degrees from Syracuse University and New York Law School, Mr. Damashek started his legal career with a strong foundation comprised of a passion for his clients’ rights, and a fervor to defend them vigorously. Whether a client was injured in a construction accidenthit by a car while crossing the street, in a serious auto accident, or any other personal injury matter, Mr. Damashek will passionately fight for his clients' rights.

Mr. Damashek, like the rest of the team at Hecht, Kleeger & Damashek, P.C., strives to obtain the maximum amount of compensation possible for clients. This is evidenced in multiple high settlement cases. If an acceptable settlement offer cannot be reached, he will not hesitate to take a case to trial. On this, he says, “we’re not preparing a case to settle it; we prepare a case to try it before a judge and a jury. We understand the mechanics of that process.”Mr. Damashek’s commitment to his profession extends beyond his own legal practice. He is on the board of directors of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association. He was also a member of the Democratic Committee Judicial Screening Panel for Civil Court, a body that interviews potential candidates for Civil Court elections in New York County and makes recommendations on who is best qualified.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
New York Law School, J.D.
Graduated 1997
Syracuse University
Graduated 1994
Contact Details and Office Locations
19 West 44th Street, Suite 1500
New York, New York 10036
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