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John R. Wingo

401 Commerce Street, Suite 800 Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Firm: Stites & Harbison, PLLC
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Stites & Harbison, PLLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (615) 782-2200

John Wingo is a Member with the Business Litigation Service Group at Stites & Harbison. He provides advice and representation to regional and national clients regarding their business transactions and handles commercial litigation defense work throughout Tennessee in both State and Federal Courts.

John has more than 16 years of litigation and trial experience, including complex litigation involving financial institutions, insurance companies and manufacturers. He has deep experience in business torts, contract disputes and commercial finance matters as well as personal injury, insurance coverage disputes and product liability claims.

More Than Stites & Harbison

Formerly the member-in-charge at Frost Brown Todd, LLC, he also served as associate general counsel at AmSouth Bank.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
  • Mid-South Super Lawyers® (2017-19)
  • Litigation Counsel of America, Fellow
Tulane University, J.D., With Honors
Graduated 1994
Tulane University, BA
Graduated 1991
Contact Details and Office Locations
401 Commerce Street, Suite 800
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
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