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Jared A. Barry

16633 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1000 Encino, California 91436
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Barry Law Group

Years In Practice

Phone Number (818) 789-9444
Jared A. Barry of Barry Law Group is a seasoned litigator with expertise in the areas of trusts & estates, business & real estate disputes, and personal injury. He represents clients throughout Southern California, which have included individuals, small businesses and Fortune 500 companies, during his long and successful career. Mr. Barry was named a Southern California Rising Star by SuperLawyers for seven years in row from 2009 to 2016 and a SuperLawyer for Southern California for the year 2020 to 2021. In 2018, 2019 and 2020 in the field of litigation of trusts and estates, his peers selected him as a member of The Best Lawyers™ in Southern California. He is a Southern California native who works alongside his father and brother. Mr. Barry dedicates himself to a client-first approach that strives for the best results at reasonable costs to his clients.
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Loyola Marymount University, J.D.
Graduated 2002
University of Colorado - Boulder, B.A. Theatre Performance/B.A. English Literature
Graduated 1998
Contact Details and Office Locations
16633 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 1000
Encino, California 91436
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