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Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg, P.A.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (941) 366-8100
Jaime Wallace practices exclusively in the area of family law, which includes handling a wide range of divorce cases, post-divorce matters, preparation of marital agreements, paternity matters, and custody cases.Ms. Wallace supports her clients in remaining realistic throughout what is often a traumatic and life-altering experience in their lives. She wants her clients to be left with the knowledge and belief that their interests are intelligently and vigorously represented to get them the best possible results.  Ms. Wallace also wants her clients to understand the process that they are in and be informed enough to make their choices in that process.Ms. Wallace prides herself on always maintaining a professional manner and on past accomplishments in the courtroom.
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University of Florida, BA
Graduated 1975
Contact Details and Office Locations
2033 Main Street, Suite 500 & 600
Sarasota, Florida 34237
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