Jacquelynn D. Carmichael

215 South State Street, Suite 900 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
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Cutt, Kendell & Olson

Years In Practice

Phone Number (801) 901-3470

I am a partner at the law firm Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt and have been practicing law since 1993. As a personal injury attorney, I have the unique opportunity to help people who have been injured by the negligence of others. Through the years, my cases have involved injuries and wrongful deaths arising from bicycle accidents, auto accidents, defective products and medical malpractice.

In addition to my legal practice, I am also actively involved in the Women’s Law Caucus and serve on the Character and Fitness Committee for the Utah State Bar. I enjoy speaking to groups and writing articles about topics that are relevant to the personal injury practice area. I am also an avid cyclist and runner and enjoy scuba-diving and traveling with my family.

As a cyclist, I am particularly interested in helping fellow cyclists when they are injured. My firm has represented many cyclists whose injuries have arisen from a variety of causes including failed tires and other defective bicycle parts as well as drivers who have carelessly crashed into cyclists causing serious injury and in some cases death. We are very aware of the safety concerns that face cyclists in the Salt Lake valley and enjoy advocating for and representing cyclists in a variety of capacities.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
Lawyer of the Year recognition for Jacquelynn D. Carmichael
Named "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® for:
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs, Salt Lake City (2024)
Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs, Salt Lake City (2022)
  • Martindale-Hubbell
  • Martindale-Hubbell
  • Article of the Year-Utah Trial Journal
University of Utah, English
Graduated 1990
Contact Details and Office Locations
215 South State Street, Suite 900
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
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