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Heidi J. Gassman

3615 Delgany Street, Suite 1100 Denver, Colorado 80216-3997
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Moye White LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (303) 292-2900

Heidi uses her life experience to bring a practical and relatable approach to her estate planning practice. She advises clients on a wide variety of estate planning matters, including estate and trust administration and pre and post-marital agreements. Additionally, Heidi has experience with real property, business and entity formation and general consultation, and commercial leases and contracts.

Heidi is a member of the Orange Book Forms Committee and the Rules and Forms Committee of the Colorado Bar Association. She has presented multiple seminars on estate planning and probate to businesses and social groups, and has also taught continuing education courses for legal and financial professionals on estate planning and probate, commercial contracts, copyright law, and business law. Heidi is licensed to practice in Colorado and Washington states, as well as multiple federal jurisdictions.

In her spare time, Heidi enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time with her family.

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Seattle University, J.D.
Graduated 1996
University of Washington, B.A.
Graduated 1993
Contact Details and Office Locations
3615 Delgany Street, Suite 1100
Denver, Colorado 80216-3997
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