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Glenn L. Smith

Calder Plaza Building, Suite 100, 250 Monroe Avenue, NW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503-2215
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Wheeler Upham, P.C.

Years In Practice


Phone Number (616) 459-7100
Mr. Smith practices primarily in the areas of employment law, civil litigation, contracts, business and corporate law, construction law, federal government contracts, and postal law. He has unique expertise in federal sector employment law and represents employees of federal agencies in many forums. Mr. Smith has extensive litigation experience in these areas and has appeared before federal district courts, courts of appeal, bankruptcy courts, boards of contract appeal, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Merit System Protection Board, and state courts and administrative agencies.  Mr. Smith was the 2014 and 2016 Chairman of the Grand Rapids Bar Association's Labor and Employment Law Section.  Mr. Smith has successfully assisted clients with document drafting, discrimination claims, disability and Family Medical Leave Act compliance issues, employee handbook questions, and contract disputes.  Prior to joining Wheeler Upham, Mr. Smith was in-house counsel with the U.S. Postal Service, where he handled some of its most complex litigation involving personal injury, construction claims, leasing issues, and contract disputes. Mr. Smith handles litigation against the federal government that other attorneys shy away from, including claims arising under the various civil rights laws, the Federal Torts Claim Act, postal revenue deficiencies, and the Contract Disputes Act.  Mr. Smith has published articles in the Michigan Bar Journal on mail disputes and bankruptcy appeals.
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Bar Admissions
Admitted in 1989
University of Michigan, JD
Graduated 1989
University of Michigan, BA
Graduated 1985
Contact Details and Office Locations
Calder Plaza Building, Suite 100, 250 Monroe Avenue, NW
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503-2215
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