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Ezekiel J. "Zeke" Williams

1801 California Street, Suite 3400 Denver, Colorado 80202
Firm: Williams, Weese, Pepple & Ferguson
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Williams, Weese, Pepple & Ferguson

Years In Practice

Phone Number (303) 861-2828

Ezekiel "Zeke" Williams is a partner with Lewis, Bess, Williams & Weese P.C. in Denver, Colorado.  He specializes in natural resources, environmental, oil and gas, and federal lands law and litigation.  Zeke represents oil and gas companies, ski areas, landowners, and other entities.  Zeke has considerable litigation and arbitration experience representing oil and gas companies, ski areas, energy developers, and others.  He is an expert in federal lands law and litigation, and has considerable experience with the National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, National Forest Management Act, and Federal Land Policy Management Act.  Zeke advises clients on natural resources and federal lands issues, and litigates disputes involving public lands, natural resources, and energy issues.  Zeke helps clients obtain and defend government permits and decisions necessary for natural resources, ski area, and energy development projects. 


Zeke has taught Administrative Law, Natural Resources Law, and Environmental Law as an adjunct professor at the University of Denver College of Law.  He graduated from the University of Denver College of Law where he was the Articles Editor of the Law Review, and has an undergraduate degree from Montana State University.  Following law school, Zeke clerked for the Honorable Bobby R. Baldock of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.  Zeke is a Trustee of the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, and publishes and speaks about natural resources issues.  

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Lawyer of the Year recognition for Ezekiel J. Williams
Named "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® for:
Administrative / Regulatory Law, Denver (2014)
Natural Resources Law, Denver (2013)
Contact Details and Office Locations
1801 California Street, Suite 3400
Denver, Colorado 80202
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