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Erik C.J. Anderson

1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 200 Reston, Virginia 20190
Firm: Goel & Anderson, LLC
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Goel & Anderson, LLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (703) 796-9898

Erik Anderson directs Goel & Anderson's Immigrant Visa Practice, overseeing the development of case strategies to address the recruitment and transfer of human resources in the United States and overseas. In this role he provides strategic immigration planning to clients in the information technology, telecommunications, biotech, insurance and finance, healthcare, maritime, food and beverage and entertainment industries. He also directs the firm's nonimmigrant and immigrant (EB-5) investor visa programs, as well as our individual and family-based immigration practice areas.

Erik's innovative and progressive techniques have enabled clients to effectively develop cost-effective, long term strategies to secure and retain talented resources in the United States and abroad. To this end, Erik has successfully developed strategies to avoid recent obstacles and cost increases associated with temporary business-based visa categories. These strategies have simultaneously reduced overhead and increased employee retention for multinational organizations.

Erik is an active speaker on strategic immigration planning, providing lectures to employers, employees and industry groups. He is also a frequent author of work ranging from legal guides to articles, amicus briefs and regular contributions to the firm's blog, The Immigration Channel. He is also an experienced consultant to government contractors.

Prior to entering private practice, Erik was appointed Deputy Secretary of the Board of Alien Labor Certification at the U.S. Department of Labor, and today he routinely handles matters before that agency, as well as United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and the U.S. Department of State.

Erik is active in his community as a tutor to elementary students and a youth baseball coach. He also holds a U.S. Coast Guard 50 Ton Master License.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
  • Who's Who Legal: Corporate Immigration
American University, JD
Graduated 1993
Fairfield University, BA
Graduated 1990
Contact Details and Office Locations
1775 Wiehle Avenue, Suite 200
Reston, Virginia 20190
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