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Edward U. Lee III

Seven Saint Paul Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202-1636
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Whiteford Taylor Preston LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (410) 347-8700

Co-Chair, Business and Corporate Law Section

Ed is a trusted advisor to middle market companies on complex commercial, financial and transactional matters, regularly advising clients on transactions ranging in value from several million to hundreds of millions. A seasoned  counselor to privately held companies and their owners, he is familiar with the business issues they face in growing, managing, and at times restructuring their businesses to succeed in hypercompetitive markets. In addition to his experience with mergers, acquisitions, corporate finance and other transactions, Mr. Lee has an extensive background in real estate finance, corporate restructuring and taxation. Because of the scope and sophistication of his practice, he is regularly called on by middle market companies to serve in the role of outside general counsel and sources works across the firm’s business and litigation departments to address client needs.


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University of Baltimore, J.D.
Graduated 1996
University of Richmond, BA
Graduated 1993
Contact Details and Office Locations
Office: (410) 347-8700
Seven Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-1636
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