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Dennis J. Shaffer

Seven Saint Paul Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202-1636
Firm: Whiteford Taylor Preston LLP
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Whiteford Taylor Preston LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (410) 347-8700
Dennis J. Shaffer
Partner, Whiteford Taylor & Preston, LLP
Seven Saint Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21202-1636
Phone: 410.347.9437 Fax: 410.223.4337

Mr. Shaffer is a partner in the firm's Business Reorganization & Bankruptcy Section, with extensive experience in representing debtors, creditors, creditors' committees, trustees and plan administrators in all phases of bankruptcy cases and related matters nationwide, including complex litigation and bankruptcy litigation. He is also a member of the firm's Hospitality Industry Group, lending his past professional and present legal experience to this focused industry group. Business Reorganization and Bankruptcy Mr. Shaffer has significant experience in representing debtors, trustees and plan administrators, individual creditors and creditors' committees in all aspects of Chapter 11, Chapter 7 and related proceedings, in various industries, including hospitality, energy, real estate, retail and transportation.  His experience includes advising clients with respect to out-of-court workouts, preparation for filing bankruptcy under both Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, working through the bankruptcy process as a debtor or creditor, liquidation of assets, recovery of assets, and complex litigation arising out of the bankruptcy process. 
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Contact Details and Office Locations
Office: (410) 347-8700
Seven Saint Paul Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202-1636
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