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Debra Powers

9990 Fairfax Boulevard, Suite 430 Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Firm: Taylor Huguley Powers PLLC
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Taylor Huguley Powers PLLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (703) 879-6500

Debra has been devoted to representing clients in matters of family law throughout northern Virginia for two decades. She focuses on negotiating and drafting agreements and she regularly appears in court for motions and trials involving all aspects of divorce and post-divorce litigation in Fairfax Circuit Court and the surrounding jurisdictions. She compassionately helps families navigate difficult issues such as child support, child custody, divorce, property division, premarital agreements, and spousal support.

Debra knows all too well the emotions involved when a family is embroiled in a legal dispute. She provides her clients not only legal advice, but also guidance and support so they do not feel lost or overwhelmed by the process itself. She communicates and discusses options with her clients through every step so together they can determine the best way forward in their unique case. This is crucial in empowering clients to make well-informed decisions about their future.

Debra has received a number of accolades from the legal community for her client- focused nature, professionalism with her colleagues, advocacy skills, and knowledge of the law.

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University of Virginia, JD
Graduated 1994
University of Richmond, BA
Graduated 1990
Contact Details and Office Locations
9990 Fairfax Boulevard, Suite 430
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
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