David W. Bernstein

The New York Times Building, 620 Eighth Avenue New York, New York 10018
Firm: Goodwin
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Years In Practice

Phone Number (212) 813-8800
David W. Bernstein is counsel in the firm's New York office. As a Mergers and Acquisitions transactional and securities lawyer, Mr. Bernstein has advised publicly held and privately owned U.S. and foreign clients in a variety of industries, including homebuilding, real estate finance, automotive, financial institutions, private equity, transportation,  hotels, and gaming, with regard to mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, securities transactions, corporate governance, and general day to day corporate affairs.

Mr. Bernstein previously formed the Mergers and Acquisitions Practice Group, and then chaired the Corporate Department, for an international Wall Street law firm.
What legal services does this lawyer offer?
Harvard University, LLB magna cum laude
Graduated 1962
Harvard University
Graduated 1959
Harvard University, AB magna cum laude
Graduated 1959
Contact Details and Office Locations
The New York Times Building, 620 Eighth Avenue
New York, New York 10018
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