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David P. Kimball III

2575 East Camelback Road, Suite 1100 Phoenix, Arizona 85016
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Gallagher & Kennedy, P.A.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (602) 530-8000

With over 35 years of experience as a national adviser and consultant to some of the largest domestic companies and as the head of Gallagher & Kennedy’s Environmental and Natural Resources practice area, Dave has extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of Environmental and Natural Resources law, with a personal focus in the areas of environmental remediation, mining and public lands law, surface and groundwater quality issues, and waste management regulation, including expertise in every facet of permitting, compliance and enforcement.  Dave’s substantial background in legislative lobbying and governmental rulemaking at the local, state and federal levels provides a unique insight and understanding of the current environmental and natural resources laws and regulations when dealing with governmental agencies on behalf of his clients.

Dave actively leads the team of highly experienced Gallagher & Kennedy attorneys who support the Freeport McMoRan relationship for the firm.  In addition, he serves as local, national and international counsel to a wide variety of manufacturing and industrial clients.  In 2012, David was named among the “Best Lawyers in America,” along with nearly two thirds of his fellow G&K shareholders.

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Brigham Young University, J.D.
Graduated 1976
Brigham Young University, BA
Graduated 1975
Contact Details and Office Locations
2575 East Camelback Road, Suite 1100
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
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