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David B. Allswang

70 West Madison Street, Suite 5200 Chicago, Illinois 60602-4378
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Nixon Peabody LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (312) 977-4400

David Allswang is a partner in Nixon Peabody’s Real Estate group and head of our national leasing team. He represents client in all areas of commercial real estate.

What do you focus on?

I focus my practice on the acquisition, leasing and disposition of commercial real estate. Working on behalf of landlord entities, I have completed projects involving several million square feet of retail space. I work with clients in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, England, China and Israel in relation to acquisition, disposition and leasing of retail, residential, industrial and office properties. I also provide counsel on foreign and domestic formation issues.

I lecture at conferences on lease negotiation strategies and have authored a chapter on Illinois law in the State-By-State Guide to Commercial Real Estate Leases.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
Boston University, J.D.
Boston University, BA
Graduated 0
Contact Details and Office Locations
70 West Madison Street, Suite 5200
Chicago, Illinois 60602-4378
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