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D. Lee Decker

2575 East Camelback Road, Suite 1100 Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Firm: Gallagher & Kennedy, P.A.
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Gallagher & Kennedy, P.A.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (602) 530-8000

Lee practices environmental law relating to water quality, water rights, environmental compliance auditing, solid and hazardous waste, mining and mined land reclamation and remediation, toxic substances and Superfund matters.  With nearly 25 years experience, Lee has a nationally-recognized water quality practice and works closely with his clients on the federal, state and local levels to develop workable strategies to promote development and expansion of both industrial and mining operations. In working with major industrial, mining, construction and development clients, Lee has honed his keen expertise in the field of environmental law and an unwavering commitment to professionalism.  In 2012, Lee was named among the “Best Lawyers in America,” along with nearly two thirds of his fellow G&K shareholders.

Representative Experience

  • Representing major industrial clients in obtaining water quality, water rights, and other environmental and natural resources-related permits and approvals on both a federal and state level.
  • Representing major mining clients in Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico in obtaining resources related to permits and approvals for continuing operations, mine expansions, and new mines.
  • Conducting environmental compliance audits at domestic and international industrial facilities, including facilities located in Canada, Chile, and Venezuela.
  • Representing industrial and mining clients in the preparation of comments and lobbying on federal and state environmental statutes and rules. Most recently, Lee participated in the development of federal and state stormwater permitting rules, solid waste management rules, surface water and groundwater quality standards, and state safe drinking water regulations.
  • Representing major construction, mining, and development clients in determining and preserving the legal status of federal and state mining claims.

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Brigham Young University, J.D.
Graduated 1990
Brigham Young University, BA
Graduated 1987
Contact Details and Office Locations
2575 East Camelback Road, Suite 1100
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
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