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Christopher Doyle

3975 University Drive #325 Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Livesay & Myers, P.C.

Years In Practice


Phone Number (703) 865-4746

Christopher Doyle is an associate attorney at Livesay & Myers, P.C., practicing exclusively family law. His practice covers every type of family law matter in Virginia, including separation, divorce, custody, visitation and support cases. Mr. Doyle is one of the firm's Fairfax family lawyers, and represents clients in Fairfax County and all across Northern Virginia.

Born in South Korea but adopted by American parents at six months old, Mr. Doyle was raised in Toms River, New Jersey. He graduated cum laude from Ramapo College of New Jersey in 2009, earning a B.A. in Political Science & Public Policy.

Mr. Doyle’s plan going into college was to attend law school immediately afterward, but he instead found himself working in the field of education, first as a volunteer, then as a teacher and finally as a fundraiser. Five years after graduating college, Mr. Doyle returned to his goal of becoming an attorney, enrolling at the University of Richmond School of Law in 2014.

During law school, Mr. Doyle developed a passion for family law. This began during his 1L summer internship at the Central Virginia Legal Aid Society, where Mr. Doyle worked on a variety of family law cases, including no-fault divorces, protective orders, and child custody matters. Mr. Doyle’s interest in family law continued to grow as he participated in the law school’s Pro Bono No-Fault Divorce program, working with local attorneys to help low-income individuals obtain no-fault divorces.

After graduating from law school in 2017, Mr. Doyle completed a one-year judicial clerkship with the Chesterfield County Circuit Court. Family law cases made up a majority of the court’s docket, and through his clerkship Mr. Doyle gained valuable insight into the judicial decision-making process. Mr. Doyle then joined Livesay & Myers, P.C. in August 2018, to practice exclusively family law.

Mr. Doyle currently holds a perfect 10.0 rating from Justia.

Christopher Doyle resides with his wife in Northern Virginia.

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This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on an hourly fee.
Bar Admissions
Admitted in 2017
  • Top Contributor Award, Avvo, 2019
Work Experience
Livesay & Myers, P.C., Associate Attorney
2018 - Current
The Honorable Steven C. McCallum, Chesterfield County Circuit Court, Judicial Law Clerk
2017 - 2018
University of Richmond, J.D.
Graduated 2017
Contact Details and Office Locations
3975 University Drive #325
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
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