Christopher Adamson's Profile Image

Christopher Adamson

1150 South Robertson Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90035
Firm: Adamson Ahdoot LLP
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Adamson Ahdoot LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (877) 871-3265

Drawing upon years of knowledge and experience, Christopher delivers unparalleled legal service to his clients. He takes pride in possessing an extensive understanding of the law and is committed to staying abreast of new developments. Christopher ensures that clients receive the personal attention they deserve, working tirelessly to assist them in attaining justice.

After completing his legal studies at Loyola Law School and gaining admission to the California State Bar, Christopher initiated his legal journey as an associate at a law firm specializing in plaintiff’s employment cases. Throughout his tenure, he navigated diverse labor and employment issues, such as disability, harassment, and wage and hour disputes. It was during this period that Christopher recognized the transformative power of the law in leveling the playing field for individuals who lacked the means to defend themselves.

Currently serving as one of the founding partners at Adamson Ahdoot LLP, Christopher continues to be fervently dedicated to aiding others. The most gratifying and pivotal aspect of his profession lies in utilizing legal tools to hold individuals accountable for wrongful conduct.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
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How is this lawyer compensated?
Contingency Fees
This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on a contingency fee.
Contact Details and Office Locations
Office: (877) 871-3265
1150 South Robertson Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90035
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