Chelsey Mam

One Union Square, Suite 2915, 600 University Street Seattle, Washington 98101
Firm: Harrigan Leyh Farmer & Thomsen LLP
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Harrigan Leyh Farmer & Thomsen LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (206) 467-6477

Chelsey is an experienced civil litigator with a varied practice, including in complex commercial disputes, personal injury, trust and estate litigation, and insurance recovery. Chelsey’s clients range from Fortune 500 companies, small to mid-sized companies, government entities, and individuals. She has achieved favorable results at trial and on the courthouse steps. Chelsey has experience litigating matters in Washington’s state and federal courts, and has extensive pro hac experience in other states, including Oregon, California, and Delaware.

Clients benefit from Chelsey’s representation as a compassionate, energetic, and focused strategist. Chelsey prides herself on adding value by managing each case to get the best result for the client with efficiency. Chelsey has presented continuing legal education courses on related topics, including “Mastering the Basics of Discovery” and “Pleadings & Motions: Civil Practice Tips & Examples,” where she advises attorneys on the strategy behind identifying the most useful discovery in a case.

Chelsey also exemplifies the ability to adapt to cutting edge technology to the clients’ benefit. In this emerging arena, she has taken and defended numerous depositions and argued summary judgment motions over Zoom. She is a leader in eDisco technology, offering new and innovative ways for her clients to benefit from available technology to reduce the ever-increasing costs of litigation.

In recognition of Chelsey’s accomplishments and reputation, SuperLawyers has included Chelsey as a Rising Star for the last seven years.

Chelsey graduated first in her class from Gonzaga University School of Law. In addition to her academic achievements, she was the Editor-in-Chief for the Gonzaga Journal of International Law, the President of the International Law Society, and an Academic Resource Tutor. After law school, Chelsey clerked for the Honorable Judge David Armstrong on the Washington Court of Appeals, Division II.

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Contact Details and Office Locations
One Union Square, Suite 2915, 600 University Street
Seattle, Washington 98101
999 Third Avenue, Suite 4400
Seattle, Washington 98104
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