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Charles J. "Chad" Muller

112 East Pecan Street, Suite 1450 San Antonio, Texas 78205
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Chamberlain Hrdlicka

Years In Practice

Phone Number (210) 253-8383

Chad Muller has more than 40 years experience in federal and state tax controversies. As a Department of Justice Trial Attorney and as an Assistant United States Attorney, Mr. Muller represented the government in the largest criminal tax prosecutions in the country. In 1975, he received the Department of Justice John Marshal Award for outstanding achievement in the trial of complex litigation. Representing taxpayers in civil and criminal tax matters since 1977, Mr. Muller has consistently achieved outstanding results for his clients.

Mr. Muller has played a vital role in several key organizations within the tax sector, including the IRS Commissioner's Advisory Group and Integrity Review Panel, as well as the Department of Justice Tax Division Advisory Committee. He is also a former Chair of the American Bar Association Committee on Civil and Criminal Penalties and the Penalties Tax Force. Mr. Muller also served as Chair of the Office of Professional Responsibility Subgroup of the Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council.

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Lawyer of the Year recognition for Charles J. Muller
Named "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® for:
Tax Law, San Antonio (2020)
Contact Details and Office Locations
112 East Pecan Street, Suite 1450
San Antonio, Texas 78205
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