C. Christopher Brown's Profile Image

C. Christopher Brown

Riverview Tower, Suite 1800, 900 South Gay Street Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
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Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan, PLLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (865) 523-0404
Born in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Mr. Brown has practiced with the firm since 2002 and has been a Member of the firm since 2008. He concentrates his practice in the areas of workers' compensation and general liability defense, primarily premises and auto liability. He also has a background in defense of governmental entities, having formerly served as Assistant City Attorney for the City of Knoxville, Tennessee.
What legal services does this lawyer offer?
How is this lawyer compensated?
This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on an hourly fee.
Bar Admissions
Organizations & Affiliations
Knoxville Bar Association
Tennessee Bar Association
University of Tennessee - Knoxville, J.D. summa cum laude
Graduated 1998
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, B.A.
Graduated 1993
Contact Details and Office Locations
Riverview Tower, Suite 1800, 900 South Gay Street
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
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