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Brian C. Cloherty

Two Granite Avenue, Suite 400 Milton, Massachusetts 02186
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Keches Law Group

Years In Practice

Phone Number (617) 477-8400
Brian Cloherty is a partner at Keches Law Group, which he joined in 1988. He is admitted to practice in Massachusetts and the U.S. District Court. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association and the Massachusetts Academy of Trial Attorneys, where he is a frequent guest lecturer. Mr. Cloherty is an aggressive advocate for his clients, representing injured union members and other workers at the Department of Industrial Accidents, Social Security Administration and local Retirement Boards. "I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction helping clients through a difficult time and ensuring they receive the benefits they deserve," says Mr. Cloherty. Mr. Cloherty has been a guest lecturer at numerous trade unions for many years on the topic of Workers' Compensation.
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Bar Admissions
New England Law - Boston
Northeastern University, Criminal Justice
Contact Details and Office Locations
Two Granite Avenue, Suite 400
Milton, Massachusetts 02186
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