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Brandi R. Howell

9408 Grant Avenue #402 Manassas, Virginia 20110

Livesay & Myers, P.C.

Years In Practice


Phone Number (571) 208-1267

Brandi Howell is an associate attorney at Livesay & Myers, P.C. practicing exclusively family law. Her practice covers every type of family law matter in Virginia, including separation, divorce, custody, visitation and support cases. Ms. Howell works is one of the firm's family lawyers in Manassas, and represents clients all across Northern Virginia.

Ms. Howell is a longtime resident of Northern Virginia. She was born at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. Her father was on active duty in the U.S. Air Force, and the family moved around a lot during her early years. Ms. Howell matriculated the Fairfax County public school system beginning in second grade until she graduated from Mount Vernon High School. She then relocated to Georgia to attend an all women’s college, Spelman College, but knew that she wanted to return to the DMV area and live close to family and friends. Ms. Howell returned to the D.C. area to attend Howard University School of Law, and entered private practice at a law firm in Fairfax in 2007.

Although she worked as a defense attorney in the field of workers’ compensation, Ms. Howell always had an interest in family law. After observing family, friends, and colleagues struggle with their own family law issues, she wanted to become an attorney who could offer guidance, knowledge, and possibly reason during these difficult times. After being married for 14 years and having three children of her own, Ms. Howell believed she would be able to relate to those facing family law issues. With over a decade of legal experience, Ms. Howell knew that she would be able to help them get the best possible results under the law. Ms. Howell decided to transition to family law, joining Livesay & Myers, P.C. in January 2018.

Since joining the firm, Ms. Howell has established herself as a rising star among family law attorneys in Northern Virginia. Ms. Howell’s warm and friendly style, work ethic, attention to detail, commitment to client service, and many years of litigation experience combine to consistently produce positive results for her family law clients. Ms. Howell currently holds a 10.0 rating from Justia, and received the Top Contributor Award from Avvo in 2018.

Brandi Howell resides in Prince William County with her husband and three children.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
How is this lawyer compensated?
This lawyer is compensated by clients, often based on an hourly fee.
Bar Admissions
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
Admitted in 2018
Admitted in 2007
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
Admitted in 2002
  • Top Contributor Award, Avvo, 2018
Work Experience
Livesay & Myers, P.C., Associate Attorney
2018 - Current
Franklin & Prokopik, P.C., Associate Attorney
2007 - 2017
Howard University, J.D.
Graduated 2005
Contact Details and Office Locations
9408 Grant Avenue #402
Manassas, Virginia 20110
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