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Barry W. Adkins

1200 Smith Street, Suite 1400 Houston, Texas 77002-4310
Firm: Chamberlain Hrdlicka
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Chamberlain Hrdlicka

Years In Practice

Phone Number (713) 658-1818

Barry Adkins is a shareholder in the tax and tax transactional section.  His practice involves advising private companies and their owners regarding general business planning, including asset protection, succession planning and compensation planning, as well as entity organization and governance.  Barry has extensive experience representing professional service firms with an emphasis on healthcare, including structuring issues, joint venture arrangements, compensation planning, buy-in arrangements with new owners, business divorce and Stark and Anti-Kickback compliance.

Barry’s tax practice is focused on general transactional planning, with an emphasis on joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, investment transactions, and choice of entity considerations.  He has extensive experience in S corporation and partnership tax issues, including partnership formations and restructuring.Barry’s transactional practice involves counseling private companies and their owners in a wide range of transaction matters, including mergers and acquisitions, sale transactions, joint venture formation, as well as buy-sell agreements, employment agreements and equity compensation planning.

In recent years, Barry has been involved extensively involved with corporate transactions.  He has been the lead counsel on numerous transactions involving stock sales, asset sales and merger transactions, representing Sellers across a wide range of industries, including industrial services, steel fabrication, valve lubricants and maintenance, oil and gas development, software services, wholesale grocery supply, warehouse supplies and railcar management.  Multiple transactions were with private equity firms where extensive due diligence is involved (particularly financial matters).   Seller entities have included S corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships.  In addition, he has provided tax analysis and structuring advice on numerous other private equity deals from both the Seller’s and Buyer’s side.

Mr. Adkins is a frequent speaker on a variety of corporate, partnership and individual tax planning matters.

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Contact Details and Office Locations
1200 Smith Street, Suite 1400
Houston, Texas 77002-4310
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