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Amy D. Howland

1850 North Central Avenue, Suite 1700 Phoenix, Arizona 85004
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Burch & Cracchiolo, P.A.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (602) 274-7611
Amy Howland practices primarily in real estate and financial transactional and corporate governance matters, including purchase, sales and leasing for commercial properties, negotiation of financial transactions, loan workouts and corporate affairs. She is peer review ranked BV® Distinguished™ by Martindale Hubbell. Amy is active in professional and industry associations.Amy moved to Arizona in 1985. Prior to joining Burch & Cracchiolo, Amy was Assistant General Counsel for Citibank Arizona for ten years where she documented commercial real estate loan transactions, prepared master documents for automated loan documentation systems and developed and coordinated an in-house foreclosure practice area. She was also counsel for the National Classified Asset Management Division for Citibank assisting the unit in loan workouts, and sales, leasing and ownership issues for bank owned properties. In addition, she served as Regional Counsel for the Business and Professional and Real Estate Investment Services Lending Divisions. Amy practiced law in Colorado and was in-house counsel for a mortgage company.
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University of Denver, J.D.
Graduated 1986
Contact Details and Office Locations
1850 North Central Avenue, Suite 1700
Phoenix, Arizona 85004
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