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William L. Bross

2224 First Avenue North Birmingham, Alabama 35203
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Heninger, Garrison & Davis, LLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (205) 326-3336

Attorney William Bross, known by “Bill” to most, was born in Birmingham, Alabama, but lived overseas for many years as a child. He returned to Alabama, and has lived here since. Prior to becoming an attorney, Bill was a registered nurse, and worked for many years in various capacities at several hospitals throughout Birmingham. These included roles in neonatal intensive care, and surgical and emergency room nursing. He obtained an M.B.A (Master of Business Administration) and was in Hospital Administration, ultimately becoming the Director of Clinical Research for a National Healthcare Corporation.While he enjoyed these rewarding roles, he wanted to represent people in other ways.

He returned to law school, attending school in the evening, while working full time during the day.Bill has practiced his entire legal career with the same firm. He uses his medical background in his focused practice area, fighting for clients daily primarily in cases involving defective pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Bill and his firm represent thousands of clients from all 50 states. All current cases are listed on the firm website. 

In addition to present representation of clients, Bill has been involved in the resolution of cases for many thousands of persons over the past 16 years. Bill prides himself in his devotion to representing clients in a caring manner. He is always available to speak and assist clients, and does so on a daily basis.When not practicing law, Bill enjoys time with his family. He and his wife, Sonya, have four children ranging in age from seven to 33 years of age. (They also have three grand-children.) Bill enjoys travel, trips to the lake, and reading. He and Sonya are also members of Hunter Street Baptist Church.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
Birmingham School of Law, J.D.
Graduated 1999
University of Alabama, Psychology and Classics
Graduated 1982
University of Alabama, Nursing
Graduated 1987
University of Alabama, Master of Business Administration
Graduated 1990
Contact Details and Office Locations
2224 First Avenue North
Birmingham, Alabama 35203
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