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Steven P. Smith

1617 North Waterfront Parkway, Suite 400 Wichita, Kansas 67206-6339
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Hinkle Law Firm LLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (316) 267-2000

Since joining Hinkle Law Firm LLC in 1998, Mr. Smith has focused his practice on employee benefit matters.

Prior to joining the firm, he served as in-house counsel for Thorn Americas, Inc. for more than seven years, where his responsibilities included class action litigation, consumer bankruptcies, copyrights and trademarks, consumer marketing, the review of software license agreements, and the development of new business concepts. He also served as a research attorney for the Honorable Robert E. Davis of the Kansas Court of Appeals for two years following his graduation from the University of Kansas School of Law.

Steven is a frequent public speaker on employee benefit topics. Since 2003, he has been a contributing author to the book Group Health Plans: Federal Mandates Other Than COBRA & HIPAA, which is published by the Employee Benefits Institute of America (EBIA).

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
Lawyer of the Year recognition for Steven P. Smith
Named "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® for:
Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law, Wichita (2023)
University of Kansas, J.D.
Graduated 1988
Wichita State University, B.A. Political Science
Graduated 1985
Contact Details and Office Locations
1617 North Waterfront Parkway, Suite 400
Wichita, Kansas 67206-6339
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