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Shawn B. Meador

Sierra Plaza, Suite 500, 6100 Neil Road Reno, Nevada 89511-1159
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Woodburn and Wedge

Years In Practice

Phone Number (775) 688-3000
Shawn B Meador has been practicing law since 1983 and has been a shareholder in the firm Woodburn and Wedge since 1989. A substantial portion of his practice is devoted to the area of family law, including matters such as divorce, child custody, spousal support, pre- and post-nuptial agreements and related matters. Mr. Meador believes that no two family law cases are exactly the same and that there is no single way in which every case should be handled. In most cases, however, he believes it is important to work diligently with the client to obtain a prompt and fair settlement. If a fair settlement cannot be achieved, he thoroughly and diligently prepares to litigate and try the case. His general trial experience in other areas of the law enhances his ability to try cases effectively when necessary. Mr. Meador works with several associate attorneys to provide the best possible service to clients at the most reasonable cost. In addition to his family law practice, Mr. Meador practices in the area of general civil litigation in both state and federal courts. He has litigated cases in areas such as insurance coverage, personal injury defense, contract disputes, employment discrimination and F.E.L.A. matters. He has briefed and argued appeals in the Nevada Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
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University of Utah, Juris Doctor
Graduated 1983
Utah State University, Bachelor of Arts
Graduated 1980
Contact Details and Office Locations
Sierra Plaza, Suite 500, 6100 Neil Road
Reno, Nevada 89511-1159
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