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Robert M. "Rob" Higgins

100 City Hall Plaza Boston, Massachusetts 02108
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Lubin & Meyer PC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (617) 720-4447

Robert M. Higgins is highly recognized as one of Massachusetts’ top medical malpractice trial attorneys who has achieved much success in the courtroom including the Commonwealth’s largest personal injury award — a $40 million verdict for a baby brain damaged at birth.

Rob, who received Best Lawyers’ “Lawyer of the Year” for Medical Malpractice - Boston distinction in 2015, started off 2018 by recording a plaintiff’s verdict in February for $1.6 million in a lawsuit involving an improperly administered IV contrast at Dana Farber Cancer Institute resulting in a patient’s injuries of renal failure. He has tried many complex med-mal cases including birth injury and failure to diagnose and treat cancer.

Some of his most significant courtroom achievements include:

In addition to his skills in preparing and arguing a case for trial, Rob receives frequent praise for his compassion and ability to communicate effectively with his injured clients and their families during a long and difficult process.

Read Rob’s full profile on Lubin & Meyer’s website here: Attorney Robert M. Higgins.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
Lawyer of the Year recognition for Robert M. Higgins
Named "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® for:
Medical Malpractice Law - Plaintiffs, Boston (2015)
Suffolk University, J.D.
Graduated 1994
University of Maine, BA
Graduated 1991
Contact Details and Office Locations
100 City Hall Plaza
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
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