Michael H. Ripp, Jr.

2301 South Capital of Texas Highway, Building K Austin, Texas 78746
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Giordani Baker Grossman & Ripp LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (512) 767-7100

Michael Ripp represents high net worth individuals and family offices in the design, implementation, and administration of domestic and international trust, investment, and life insurance structures, including the tax planning and compliance aspects of such structures. He advises non-U.S. individuals regarding the tax and legal issues involved in pre-immigration planning, temporary residency, and planning for gifts to their U.S.-resident families, both during lifetime and at death. A significant portion of his practice involves advice regarding mechanisms for deploying leverage in the acquisition or monetization of assets, including real estate. In addition, he counsels major financial institutions and boutique financial service providers on matters of interest to the ultra high net worth marketplace, including advice to hedge fund and fund of funds managers regarding the establishment and operation of insurance dedicated funds (IDFs), including an IDF’s legal and business relationships with domestic and international insurance carriers. Mr. Ripp’s practice also includes counseling fiduciaries with respect to the administration of trusts and estates, and he is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

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  • Texas Rising Star-Texas Monthly and Law & Politics magazines (2004 through 2011)
  • Texas Super Lawyer - Texas Monthly and Law & Politics magazines (2014)
Texas A&M University
Graduated 1994
Washington University in St. Louis
Graduated 1997
Contact Details and Office Locations
2301 South Capital of Texas Highway, Building K
Austin, Texas 78746
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