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Joshua W. Mahoney

200 West Madison Street, Suite 3900 Chicago, Illinois 60606
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Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (312) 984-3100

Josh is a first-chair trial lawyer and counselor. Many of the world’s highest profile companies trust him to resolve disputes in ways that align with their business goals. Clients also seek Josh out before disputes arise, helping them to calibrate business strategies to reduce the risk of litigation or maximize leverage from potential claims.

Many of Josh’s clients are in the retail, manufacturing, and real estate development industries. He has championed their rights in a host of state and federal courts, arbitrations, and mediations. Because his clients’ businesses are often worldwide, so too is Josh’s practice, which includes complex cross-border discovery and privacy issues.

Josh also helps people in need and the greater legal community. His pro bono clients have included mentally ill patients in a large class action suit, a wrongfully convicted inmate seeking post-trial DNA testing, and a DREAMer seeking to stay in the U.S. In addition, he recently served as Chair of the Chicago Bar Association’s Federal Civil Practice Committee.

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Cornell University, J.D.
Graduated 2008
Carleton College, B.A.
Graduated 2005
Contact Details and Office Locations
200 West Madison Street, Suite 3900
Chicago, Illinois 60606
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