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Jeffrey W. Hill

2 Union Plaza, P.O. Box 1591 New London, Connecticut 06320
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Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law

Years In Practice


Phone Number (800) 499-0145

Attorney Jeffrey W. Hill is an owner and Director of Suisman Shapiro Attorneys-at-Law.

Divorces involve many complex issues, especially the division of financial assets, products and instruments. As an Arbitrator, Attorney Jeffrey Hill has a sophisticated knowledge not only of marital law, but also many other important and applicable areas of law. It is essential that an Arbitrator understands how to negotiate and mediate. As a divorce lawyer for almost thirty years and a veteran in the Connecticut court system, Attorney Jeffrey Hill has vast experience in all of these areas. He received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University and law degree from the University of Connecticut. Attorney Hill is highly respected in the field of Family Law by his peers and hundreds of satisfied clients alike.

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Bar Admissions
Admitted in 1983
University of Connecticut, J.D.
Graduated 1983
Harvard University, B.A.
Graduated 1977
Contact Details and Office Locations
2 Union Plaza, P.O. Box 1591
New London, Connecticut 06320
75 State Street, Two Union Plaza, P.O. Box 1591
New London, Connecticut 06320
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