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Gary J. Gunnett

Three Gateway Center, 22nd Floor, 401 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
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Houston Harbaugh, P.C.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (412) 281-5060

Gary J. Gunnett concentrates his practice on employee benefit plans, including the design, implementation, maintenance, and termination of qualified retirement plans (pension, profit sharing and 401(k) plans).  He works closely with employers, employee benefits consultants, actuaries, accountants and other professionals to provide guidance in matters involving the Affordable Care Act, ERISA, and the Internal Revenue Code.

Gary regularly represents clients before the Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. He regularly speaks and writes on topics relating to taxation and compliance of benefits plans.

What legal services does this lawyer offer?
Lawyer of the Year recognition for Gary J. Gunnett
Named "Lawyer of the Year" by Best Lawyers® for:
Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law, Pittsburgh (2022)
Duquesne University, J.D.
Westminster College - New Wilmington, B.A.
Contact Details and Office Locations
Three Gateway Center, 22nd Floor, 401 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
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