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Law Office of Diane St. Yves, PLLC

Years In Practice

Phone Number (281) 501-1558

Diane St. Yves Brewer is a board-certified family lawyer with over 30 years of practice experience. Prior to obtaining her license to practice law in 2007, she was a board-certified family law paralegal for 20+ years.  Diane was admitted to AAML in the Fall of 2019.  Diane is a United States Army Veteran who served for four years in the Military Intelligence Branch as a French and Russian linguist.

Diane is a graduate of the University of Houston with a degree in political science and received her J.D. at the University of Houston Law Center.  Diane presently serves on the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas and has served on the District 4-2 Grievance Committee, the Texas Family Law Foundation, the board of the Council on Recovery and The Houston Recovery Center.   Diane also serves as a mentor in the Houston Bar Association’s mentoring program and serves on several Houston Bar Association committees, works Legal Lines at Veterans Legal Clinics and HBA Volunteer Lawyers.  Diane is a Sustaining Life Fellow in the Texas Law Foundation.  Diane is a member of Gulf Coast Family Law Specialists and Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists.  Diane is also active in the online legal community and participates regularly in the peer-reviewed mentoring that takes place there. Diane is a member of the recovery community and is asked to speak on numerous topics including attorney wellness, addiction and recovery, Texas Lawyer’s Assistance Program, and other peer support topics.  

Diane is married to Dr. Todd Brewer, and she has two adult children, Kyle and Kimberly, who have blessed her with six grandchildren ranging in age from 3 to 14 years old. 

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Contact Details and Office Locations
5020 Montrose Boulevard, Suite 310
Houston, Texas 77006
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