Bryan Kirsh

11520 San Vicente Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90049
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Shegerian & Associates, Inc.

Years In Practice

Phone Number (310) 860-0770

Bryan Kirsh is an accomplished Senior Trial Attorney with Shegerian & Associates, recognized for his comprehensive approach to case management in employment law matters. With a steadfast dedication to serving his clients, Bryan holds individuals and employers accountable for their actions while ensuring his clients receive the maximum recovery available to them.

A Ventura County native, Mr. Kirsh obtained his Juris Doctorate from the prestigious Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law. While in law school, he excelled as Senior Editor of the Penn State Law Review and as Research Fellow for the Penn State Institute for Sports Law, Policy, and Research.

As an experienced trial counsel, Mr. Kirsh has an impressive record of success, having assisted in securing several notable verdicts on behalf of his clients. His extensive knowledge of employment law, coupled with his unwavering commitment to his clients, have earned him a distinguished reputation among his peers.

As trial counsel, Mr. Kirsh has obtained the following verdict:

  • $1.025 million disability retaliation award
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Contact Details and Office Locations
11520 San Vicente Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90049
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