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Brandon C. Prosansky

200 West Madison Street, Suite 3900 Chicago, Illinois 60606
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Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum & Nagelberg LLP

Years In Practice

Phone Number (312) 984-3100

Brandon applies his extensive litigation experience to help his clients reach resolutions that advance their business interests. From advising motor vehicle manufacturers on disputes with their distribution networks to counseling real estate clients on disputes concerning properties they own or lend against, Brandon seeks to understand what drives his clients’ businesses and lets that guide his approach in the conference room or the courtroom.

Brandon regularly counsels motor vehicle and powersports manufacturers on general dealer network initiatives, such as incentive programs, sales policies, facility programs, and specific disputes concerning their dealer networks, dealer agreements, and the federal and state regulations affecting the manufacturer-dealer relationship. Motor vehicle manufacturers also look to Brandon for counseling on other dealer network matters, including dealer ownership and management changes, manufacturer rights of first refusal, vehicle allocation, sales performance standards, customer satisfaction programs, and other initiatives to strengthen the dealer network. Brandon also guides client initiatives to improve dealer performance and strengthen dealer networks. For example, over a five-year period, Brandon managed a sophisticated dealer improvement program for a manufacturer with a large dealer network. The program helped the client achieve significant sales gains and an improved dealer network.

Commercial real estate clients also look to Brandon to advocate for their interests in disputes over commercial loans and guaranties, commercial leases, and mechanics liens.

Brandon has litigated numerous cases in federal and state courts and state agencies throughout the U.S. His time in Procter & Gamble’s Finance & Accounting division — prior to his legal career — gives him a business perspective that clients don’t often find from outside counsel.

When not attending to his clients’ needs, Brandon has enjoyed serving in several leadership roles in the Chicago Jewish community.

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Miami University, B.A.
Graduated 2001
Northwestern University, J.D.
Graduated 2007
Contact Details and Office Locations
200 West Madison Street, Suite 3900
Chicago, Illinois 60606
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